institutional inversors
Our Institutional Investors provides institutional clients, including sovereign wealth funds, pension funds and superannuations, with a range of services across our Audit, Tax and Advisory practices, utilizing a holistic approach to analyze complex challenges and deliver innovative and integrated services.
We adapt our strategies to your benefit
Asset Consulting
Full Connect Ventures can consult on existing structures and life policy portfolios. Investors can make better decisions on their existing portfolio knowing the genuine market value of their holdings, as well as the strength and weaknesses of their overall portfolio.
Should the investors decide to liquidate, Full Connect Ventures can help with the sales process in order to maximize the sale proceeds, whether the sale is for all or part of the portfolio. Should the investor decide to reconstruct the portfolio to meet his current needs, Full Connect Ventures can help ensure a successful and cost-effective transition.
Funds Management
The fund management provides a range of investment products based on the foundations and global indicators, consequently the department launched a selected package of local and regional mutual funds that invest in a wide variety of asset categories
Direct Investment
Our Direct Investment Department is responsible for Full Connect Ventures´s proprietary investments and manages and monitors a diversified portfolio of mid to long-term direct investments (quoted & unquoted). Over the past years, the department has achieved descent returns on its investments, setting KIC strategic presence in the market as well as putting its influence on investees’ future growth and performance.
Treasury Services
Treasury of Full Connect Ventures, utilizes and invests resources for the benefit of the company in the Local and International markets. It manages the daily cash flow and is also responsible for monitoring and managing the Assets and Liabilities of the company, Foreign Exchange Trading and investing in the Bond market.
This service provides wide range of services to its clients, as follows: –
Money Market
The dealing room provides to its clients, the opportunities to invest in Money Market with the most advanced financial tools in order to enhance their investment returns and protect them from market risks. The service also offers a range of services such as Deposits in major currencies for short, medium and long term with attractive.
Foreign Exchange:
Full Connect Ventures´s Foreign Exchange Dealers are providing innovative solutions in foreign exchange requirements for its clients. The dealers provide its clients with all their foreign exchange needs from currencies forecast to exposure analysis, to pricing, execution and delivery. The foreign exchange tools are used in this area are buy/sell Spot & Forward (GCC & Major Currencies) and Foreign Exchange Swap.
For more information regarding products and services please contact us on Tel: 1-888-335-5851

personal investors
retirement plan participants
institutional investors
financial professionals
career opportunities
We have exciting positions for you at Full Connect Ventures Limited